According to the latest Clarivate report, our journal Environmental Modelling & Software (ENSO) has achieved another increase in its impact factor, up to 5.471 in 2021 (from 5.288 in 2020). In addition, the SCOPUS/Elsevier-associated CiteScore for 2021 is 9.5 (up from 9.4 in 2020). This ongoing success would not be possible without all editors, reviewers and of course all iEMSs members and friends submitting state-of-the-art manuscripts and supporting the review process.
A group of iEMSs members joined forces to write a position paper on Open Web-Distributed Integrated Geographic Modelling and Simulation to Enable Broader Participation and Applications.
The paper has appeared on the Elsevier journal Earth-Science Reviews and it is open access.
The abstract follows:
Call for papers
Thematic Issue on “Advances in Theories, Data Management, Data Mining and Data Visualization to Support Big Data in the Environmental Sciences”
in Environmental Modelling & Software
Issue Editors: Amin Tayyebi, Keith C. Clarke, Bryan C. Pijanowski and Patrick Jantz
EMS Editor: Dan Ames
Submissions are invited for papers which address cutting-edge and innovative approaches, particularly regarding new tools, software or demonstrations of efficient techniques in practical cases to deal with specific types of big data in environmental sciences that cannot be addressed using conventional techniques. The following broader topics that provide cutting-edge and innovative approaches for using GIScience, remote sensing and technology to support big data in the environmental sciences may be covered:
- Advances in theories.
- Data management.
- Data mining.
- Data visualization.
EMS Editor: Andrea E. Rizzoli
Call for Papers
for a Thematic Issue on
Environmental Data Science
on Environmental Modelling and Software, An Elsevier Journal
Edited by: Karina Gibert, Geoff Holmes, Jeffery S Horsburgh, Ioannis N Athanasiadis
Getting decisional knowledge from data is nowadays one of the most reliable ways to better understand environmental processes, to go beyond the state-of-the-art in Environmental Sciences and to improve environmental systems management in most of their fields. The particular complexity of environmental processes requires new solutions able to integrate different information sources, such as qualitative and quantitative data, images, text, signals, etc., together with prior knowledge, as well as to deal with spatiotemporal frames and higher order interactions among variables.
Introductory Overviews
The inherent nature of environmental systems necessitates interdisciplinary approaches to analyse and understand them. The development and application of environmental models can involve highly diverse teams, comprised of scientists with different educational backgrounds and a wide of array of methods and terminology. As we grapple to understand environmental problems of increasing complexity, it becomes even more important that we cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and make greater efforts to exchange information, knowledge and ideas. To this end, EMS has created a new form of scientific contribution: Introductory Overviews.
- Integrated assessment and modelling: overview and synthesis of salient dimensions Hamilton, S.H., Guillaume, J., ElSawah, S., Jakeman, A.J. and Pierce, S.A.
- An introduction to sensitivity assessment of simulation models John Norton
- Editorial “Introductory Overviews” A.J. Jakeman, S.H. Hamilton, I.N. Athanasiadis, S.A. Pierce
Call For Papers: Innovative Techniques for Quantitative Scenarios in Energy and Environmental Research
We are launching a new Thematic Issue of the Environmental Modelling & Software journal. The guest editors are:
- Celine Guivarch (CIRED, France)
- Evelina Trutnevyte (UCL Energy Institute, UK & ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
- Robert Lempert (RAND Corporation, USA)
They will also be assisted and guided by one of the Editors of EM&S, namely Alexey Voinov.
Quantitative scenarios form the core of the future analysis in energy, climate and environmental research. A growing number of researchers worldwide have started using innovative techniques for developing, analyzing and choosing quantitative scenarios. Some of these techniques involve a large number of scenarios. Different rationales motivate these researchers: better system understanding, uncertainty analysis, development of robust strategies, selection of a small set of scenarios, ability to link storylines with quantitative scenarios. These techniques are tools to provide both novel research insights and policy- relevant scenario exercises. In this light, this TI aims to synthesize the state-of- the-art research with innovative techniques for quantitative scenarios, gather these state-of-the-art techniques into a toolbox, identify knowledge gaps and draw avenues for future research.
Benefits and requirements of grid computing for climate applications. An example with the community atmospheric model
V. Fernández-Quiruelasa, , J. Fernándeza, A.S. Cofiñoa, L. Fitaa, J.M. Gutiérrezb
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.03.006
Grid computing is nowadays an established technology in fields such as High Energy Physics and Biomedicine, offering an alternative to traditional HPC for several problems; however, it is still an emerging discipline for the climate community and only a few climate applications have been adapted to the Grid to solve particular problems. In this paper we present an up-to-date description of the advantages and limitations of the Grid for climate applications (in particular global circulation models), analyzing the requirements and the new challenges posed to the Grid. In particular, we focus on production-like problems such as sensitivity analysis or ensemble prediction, where a single model is run several times with different parameters, forcing and/or initial conditions. As an illustrative example, we consider the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) and analyze the advantages and shortcomings of the Grid to perform a sensitivity study of precipitation with SST perturbations in El Niño area, reporting the results obtained with traditional (local cluster) and Grid infrastructures. We conclude that new specific middleware (execution workflow managers) is needed to meet the particular requirements of climate applications (long simulations, checkpointing, etc.). This requires the side-by-side collaboration of IT and climate groups to deploy fully ported applications, such as the CAM for Grid (CAM4G) introduced in this paper.
A new Featured Article has been published on Environmental Modelling & Software. The full title is:
An operational, multi-scale, multi-model system for consensus-based, integrated water management and policy analysis: The Netherlands Hydrological Instrument
and it is authored by Willem De Lange et al.
The paper is available at:
All featured articles are available here:
Call for papers
Thematic Issue on Modelling Human and Ecological Health Risks
in Environmental Modelling & Software
Edited by Stefan Reis, Kristina Voigt & Tim Oxley
Submissions are invited for papers which address the latest developments and key topics in the field of modelling and assessment of effects of environmental pressures on human and ecosystem health. The following broader topics may be covered:
Modelling social and environmental determinants of human and ecosystem health;
Methodological developments in the assessment of radiation and chemicals‘ risks;
Current trends in software developments for environmental pollution modelling across all environmental media, with a focus on human and ecosystem health relevance;
Modelling aspects of epidemiology and exposure-effect relationships, including the contribution of models to the Exposome concept;
The integration between sensors, models and methods in response to big data and citizen science applications.