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Research position on multidisciplinary water and environmental engineering at the University of Bristol, UK

The Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Bristol (UK) is looking to appoint an exceptional individual to enhance its strength in multidisciplinary water and environmental engineering ( This position is part of an expanding water research community in both the department and across the University. We seek a candidate with international leadership potential in the broader field of water resources to complement existing strengths in water and environmental engineering. Candidates with expertise in integrated water resource management; water resources systems analysis and groundwater modelling are especially welcome. You will be expected to contribute to research, knowledge transfer and teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 

Phd and PostDoc positions in Marie Curie ITN “Quantifying Uncertainty in Integrated Catchment Studies”

Marie Curie ITN 11 fully funded PhD (ESR) vacancies in Europe on Quantifying Uncertainty in Integrated Catchment Studies


  • 30,000–40,000 Euro/year (depending on host country), plus 700–1,000 Euro/month mobility allowance. 3 (or 4) year posts.
  • Based at one of 8 leading European universities or research centres (Technical University Delft and Wageningen University, The Netherlands; EAWAG, Switzerland; Henri-Tudor, Luxemburg; University of Coimbra, Portugal; Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; University of Bristol and University of Sheffield, UK).
  • Candidates will be seconded to universities, companies andresearch centres throughout Europe during the project.
  • Closing dates 24 th July or mid-August, depending on the post.
  • For more information see

You would become part of the interdisciplinary Marie-Curie Initial Training network
QUICS “Quantifying Uncertainty in Integrated Catchment Studies”, where leading
engineers and scientists collaborate with private sector companies to train researchers capable of developing and implementing uncertainty management tools for the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The consortium will develop new uncertainty assessment tools that can be used in WFD implementation studies. The research will address uncertainty propagation at the spatial and temporal scales found in catchments and develop tools to reduce uncertainty by optimising sampling and monitoring and the objective selection of model structures. This will reduce uncertainty in model predictions and improve the quality of our surface waters, and reduce costs of implementing the WFD.


PhD project modelling socio-ecological systems in coastal areas and oceans

University of Auckland

PhD project modelling socio-ecological systems in coastal areas and oceans

Building on growing research in linking ecological and social science involving School of Environment, Institute of Marine Research and the Joint Graduate School of Coastal and Marine Science (UoA and NIWA) we offer a PhD scholarship connecting social process modelling to change in coastal ecosystems. The PhD scholarship is funded by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).

UK Center for Doctoral Training in Water Informatics looking for Applicants

Water Informatics in Science and Engineering (WISE) is a collaborative effort across the Universities of Exeter (focus is urban drainage), Bristol (hydrology), Cardiff (hydraulics) and Bath (wastewater/water quality). 
WISE is looking to recruit up to 20 PhD students per year for the next five years into WISE. Students can come from any engineering or physical sciences discipline, as well as mathematics or computing. UK and EU students will be fully funded for 4 years (others can be partially funded). The first year includes a set of courses in informatics and water subjects, followed by a period to develop a specific research idea for every student. Each student will then execute the research at their institution of choice. Students are part of the program, but will receive their degree from only one of the institutions involved.
More information about WISE and the application process can be found here.

Research Fellow (Bushfire Risk Assessment)




Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science
Melbourne School of Land and Environment

The University of Melbourne, Australia


Salary: AUD $61,138 – $82,962 p.a. plus 9.25%super


  • Are you experienced in wildfire or bushfire modelling?
  • Are you interested in researching a diverse range of topics related to wildfire?
  • Do you wish to advance your career at Australia’s No.1 University?

The Melbourne School of Land and Environment (MSLE) aims to lead and build passion and excellence to solve society’s major challenges of sustainable land, food and environment.

The Fire Management Group in the Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science, the Melbourne School of Land and Environment at the University of Melbourne is seeking a highly motivated early career researcher to join this challenging and developing project.

The successful applicant will became part of a small, vibrant, multidisciplinary team researching a diverse range of topics related to wildfire behaviour, fuels, risk and landscape planning. The successful applicant will be expected to have some experience in programming in a research context and will contribute to the development of geo-spatial models for map creation and to the evaluation of risk. While the role will have a technical focus, the successful applicant will be expected to contribute to all elements of project delivery, including providing support to other researchers and assisting in the production of journal publications.

Employment Type: Full Time (Fixed term) – Available for two years from date of commencement

Enquiries only to: Dr. Thomas Duff, Tel +61 3 9035 6869, Email

Close date: 9 February 2014

 For position information and to apply online go to, click on ‘Search for Jobs’ and search under the job title or job number 0032688.