Dear iEMSs members,
A group of iEMSs members has just launched a new initiative called IVS4EM (Input Variable Selection for Environmental Modelling), the aim of which is to support a comprehensive and open framework for the testing and evaluation of IVS algorithms, through the sharing of algorithms (open source code), datasets, and evaluation criteria.
There is a dedicated website, where we have already uploaded 4 IVS algorithms, 26 datasets, and several evaluation metrics. There is also a link where anyone interested can share their own tools and data. Finally, a paper on the initiative has also just been published in EMS:
Galelli S., Humphrey G.B., Maier H.R., Castelletti A., Dandy G.C. and Gibbs M.S. An evaluation framework for input variable selection algorithms for environmental data-driven models, Environmental Modelling and Software, 62, 33-51, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.08.015.
We hope to receive many contributions.