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In this issue:

iEMSs Webinar Series

Winter iEMSs webinar this week:

Use of Systems Thinking Archetypes in Socio-Environmental Modeling

Wednesday 15 February 13:00 – 14:30 (EST UTC -5), 19:00 – 20:30 (CET UTC +1), Thursday February 16 5:00 – 6:30 (AEDT UTC +11) . For this webinar, iEMSs will be teaming up with SESYNC (National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center) and TIAS (The Integrated Assessment Society). Register here.

Solving problems of sustainability requires understanding social and environmental systems as being tightly coupled. Each system’s individual components, or parts, interact in complex ways, and feedbacks—or how change in one part of the system affects other system parts—determine the dynamics of socio-environmental systems (SES). Archetypes are a useful tool that can provide insights into a system’s dynamics and facilitate development of formal system models.Archetype analysis can reveal patterns that commonly plague SES, as well as strategies for achieving sustainability
across heterogeneous contexts. With its particular focus on using feedback loops as the leverage point for solving sustainability problems, the use of archetypes is growing in research and management.
This webcast will introduce the concept of archetypes, discuss some of the most common archetypes including their application in research, and describe how the use of archetypes can facilitate the socio-environmental modeling process.
This is part of a series of webinars on socio-environmental modeling, initially based on the article, “Eight Grand Challenges of Socio-Environmental Modelling.”
Host: Margaret Palmer, Director, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, USA
Presenter: Sondoss Elsawah, Associate Professor, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia
Laura Schmitt Olabisi, Professor, Michigan State University, USA
Juan Rocha, Research Scientist, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
Renee Obringer, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Previous Webinars are available online: iEMSs YouTube

iEMSs 2024

12th International Congress on Environmental Modelling & Software. Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, USA Save the dates: June 23 to June 27, 2024