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Modelling and more… a new(ish) blog

Interested in an easy-to-read digest of new developments in modelling and associated areas such as stakeholder engagement, scoping, model integration, and research implementation? Check out the Integration and Implementation Insights blog (

At one year old with more than 120 posts, the blog is proud to have had contributors from 21 countries and readers from 165. Click on “modelling” in the tag cloud to find all the contributions on that topic, including:

Contributions are very welcome! The focus of the blog is on methods and concepts for:

  • synthesizing and sharing diverse knowledge from disciplines and stakeholders;
  • understanding and managing what we do not and cannot know;
  • engaging policy makers and practitioners to implement research findings.

 Use the blog to advertise your latest peer-reviewed paper and to get feedback on a newly emerging idea. For more information contact:

Other examples are below, follow the “Read more” link.


Other modelling blog posts have included: 

Ten dimensions of integration: guidelines for modellers by Serena Hamilton and Tony Jakeman

Making Predictions under Uncertainty by Joseph Guillaume

ICTAM: Bringing mental models to numerical models by Sondoss Elsawah

Why participatory models need to include cultural models by Michael Paolisso

Uncertainty in participatory modeling – what can we learn from management research? by Antonie Jetter

Dealing with deep uncertainty: Scenarios by Laura Schmitt Olabisi

The path perspective on modelling projects by Tuomas Lahtinen, Joseph Guillaume and Raimo Hämäläinen

Models as ‘interested amateurs’ by Pete Barbrook-Johnson