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Integrated Environmental Modeling Interoperability Meeting and Workshop

Building for Better Decisions: Multi-scale Integration of Human Health and Environmental Data

May 8 –11, 2012, US EPA, RTP Campus, NC

WHY:  Toxicologists and other environmental scientists now face the challenge of integrating increasingly complex data to translate our work and predict adverse outcomes in various applications.


WHAT:  An SOT Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology Workshop, an open, international conference featuring breakout groups related to exposure, dose-response, ecosystem impacts, life cycle/cost-benefit, and information technology that provide an opportunity for scientific discussion and debate. In addition, abstracts can be submitted for poster presentations to facilitate discussions and develop recommendations.

WHO:   Sponsored by the SOT and US EPA with: DOD ACE, SETAC, American Chemistry Council, DOE-PNNL, SRA, Environ Corporation, US NRC, ISES, OGC, USDA, iEMSs, OpenMI, US FDA, TERA, USGS

WHEN:  May 8 –11, 2012


For complete information (Agenda, Abstract submission, Registration, etc) go to:

Deadline for Abstract Submission is March 23, 2012