Introductory Overviews
The inherent nature of environmental systems necessitates interdisciplinary approaches to analyse and understand them. The development and application of environmental models can involve highly diverse teams, comprised of scientists with different educational backgrounds and a wide of array of methods and terminology. As we grapple to understand environmental problems of increasing complexity, it becomes even more important that we cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and make greater efforts to exchange information, knowledge and ideas. To this end, EMS has created a new form of scientific contribution: Introductory Overviews.
- Integrated assessment and modelling: overview and synthesis of salient dimensions Hamilton, S.H., Guillaume, J., ElSawah, S., Jakeman, A.J. and Pierce, S.A.
- An introduction to sensitivity assessment of simulation models John Norton
- Editorial “Introductory Overviews” A.J. Jakeman, S.H. Hamilton, I.N. Athanasiadis, S.A. Pierce