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iEMSs 2012 Student Paper Awards

The following students received the Best Student Paper Prize in the recent iEMSs 2012 Biennial Conference:

  • Romain Lardy, the First Place Award for Student Papers for the excellent paper: “Ecosystem Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Framework” (paper #447)

  • Romina Drees, the Second Place Award for Student Papers for the excellent paper: “Which household tolerates droughts? – Strategies to secure pastoral livelihoods” (paper #810)

  • Pierre Gousseau, the Third Place Award for Student Papers for the excellent paper: “Large-Eddy Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in Downtown Montreal: Evaluation of the Convective and Turbulent Mass Fluxes” (paper #401)
  • Gary W. Johnson, the Third Place Award for Student Papers for the excellent paper: “Modelling Ecosystem Service Flows under Uncertainty with Stochastic SPAN” (paper #900)

The papers can be read from the iEMSs 2012 Procedings (link on the right) once they become available. Congratulations to all awardees!