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Bylaws of the iEMSs


Bylaws of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs)

a not-for-profit organization

Approved by the Constituting Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society

June 18, 2000, Halifax, Canada

Revised August 2008

Revised July 2010


1.This international society is named “INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE SOCIETY (iEMSs)” and is established according to articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Law.

2.The iEMSs is headquartered at the office of the iEMSs President or Secretary or Treasurer at a location determined by the iEMSs Board.

Note: the iEMSs headquarters are located c/-:
Galleria 2, via Cantonale
6928 Manno, Switzerland



1. The Society (iEMSs) is a not-for-profit organization uniting private persons and organizations dealing with environmental modelling, software and related topics.

2. The aims of the iEMSs are to:

  • develop and use environmental modelling and software tools to advance the science and improve decision making with respect to resource and environmental issues. This places an emphasis on interdisciplinarity and the development of generic frameworks and methodologies which integrate models and software tools across issues, scales, disciplines and stakeholders with respect to resource and environmental issues;
  • promote contacts among physical, social and natural scientists, economists and software developers from different countries and coordinate their activities;
  • improve the cooperation between the sciences and decision makers/advisors on environmental matters;
  • promote environmental modelling and software;
  • exchange information in the field of environmental modelling and software among scientific and educational organizations and private enterprises, as well as non-governmental organizations and governmental bodies.

3. To achieve these aims, the iEMSs:

  • organizes international conferences, meetings and courses in environmental modelling and software;
  • publishes scientific studies and popular scientific materials in the Environmental Modelling and Software journal (Elsevier);
  • hosts a website which allows members to communicate research and other information relevant to the Society’s aims with one another and the broader community;
  • delivers a regular newsletter to members.

4. The iEMSs does not certify anyone as a practising environmental modeller or software developer.


1. Membership of the iEMSs is open to anyone who wishes to promote its aims.

2. Four categories of membership are available: full, non-annex 1, retiree, and  student. All classes of membership have the same voting rights.

3. Voting rules: the request for a vote is sent out from the Office. The request must be sent out at least 15 days before the vote opens. The decision is taken by the simple majority of those who voted.

4. Members are not liable for debts of the society.

5. Applications for membership must be made in writing on the appropriate form and will be formally reviewed by the iEMSs Office.

6. Membership is terminated if the membership fee is not paid.

7. A member can be expelled from the iEMSs if he/she acts intentionally against the interests of the iEMSs. The iEMSs Board decides on expulsion by a 2/3 majority.


1.The bodies of the iEMSs are

  • the General Meeting of all members of the iEMSs (General Meeting of the iEMSs);
  • the iEMSs Board;
  • the iEMSs Office. 


1. General Meetings of the iEMSs are held every second year.

2. The General Meeting of the iEMSs receives the annual business report of the iEMSs, made by the iEMSs Board and the iEMSs Office.

3. The General Meeting of the iEMSs

  • elects the members of the iEMSs Board;
  • considers and votes for approval of the bylaws suggested by the iEMSs Board.

4. Elections and approvals may also be handled through mailings coordinated by the iEMSs Secretary.

5. Terms of members of the iEMSs Board and the iEMSs Office will be two years. Every two years a call will be issued for nominations to the Board and Officer positions. Elections will be held to select the Society Board from the list of nominees. An Elections Committee will be appointed by the Board and will organize the elections BEFORE the meeting by means of electronic vote. The results will be announced during the BGM.

Current Board Members can be reelected for multiple terms without any limitations. Nominees are expected to have contributed actively to society activities and functions. Service contributions can include service as a session organizer, participation as an editor of the iEMSs conference proceedings, input as a group or thread moderator, and notable other efforts for the general benefit of the society.



1. The iEMSs Board consists of the following members elected by the membership of iEMSs

  • 7 members of IEMSS office,
  • 8-25 members of iEMSs
2. The iEMSs Board appoints two arbitrators for financial oversee. Arbitrators can be Board members

3. The iEMSs Board runs the business affairs of the iEMSs. It is responsible for the newsletter and the annual business report. The Board defines the tasks of the iEMSs Office.

4. The Board may suggest bylaws in order to regulate

  • Governing of the iEMSs;
  • Organizing and running meetings;
  • Elections;
  • Expulsion of members.

5. Meetings of the iEMSs Board shall take place when deemed necessary. The iEMSs Board meetings shall be convened by the President at least four weeks in advance and in writing (which may be by email).



1. The iEMSs Office consists of two or more of

  • the iEMSs President
  • the iEMSs Secretary;
  • the iEMSs Treasurer;
  • iEMSs Vice-Presidents
  • And staff appointed by the Secretary.

2. The iEMSs Secretary and the iEMSs Treasurer may be the same person.

3.The iEMSs Office has special tasks defined by the iEMSs Board.

4. An amount of 1000 EUR per year can be ordered by the Office without the need for approval from the Board.



1.The Board may set out a reasonable membership fee for all the categories of membership: full, non-Annex 1, student, and retiree. For those who have registered for an iEMSs Biennial Meeting, membership will be automatic for the ensuing two years. Non-full members will be entitled to substantially reduced registration fees at iEMSs Biennial Meetings. For those not registering for an iEMSs Biennial Meeting, a membership fee will be payable for the ensuing two years.

2.The membership fee shall be fixed and approved by the membership present at the regular biennial general meeting of the society.

3.The maximum membership fee is 100 CHF per year.



1.The members will receive an iEMSs Newsletter or a similar document for announcements of news of the iEMSs. The material may be integrated into the Environmental Modelling and Software international journal.



1. Regional or Special Interest Groups may be established and are strongly encouraged. They shall be subject to approval by the iEMSs Board.

2. Members of such groups shall be members of iEMSs.

3. Regional or Special Interest Groups shall accept and follow the articles of the iEMSs.

4. Regional or Special Interest Groups shall inform the iEMSs Board about their activities annually.

5. A regional or Special Interest Group may be dissolved by a 2/3 majority of the iEMSs Board if it acts intentionally against the interests of the iEMSs.

6. The iEMSs Board may establish committees as required for the performance of its duties and may select members of the iEMSs to serve on committees.



1. If liquidation of the assets of the iEMSs is necessary, the iEMSs Board is the liquidator.

2. Liquidation requires approval by a 2/3 majority of the membership of the iEMSs.

3. After liquidation the remaining assets of the iEMSs are to be devolved upon a similar not-for-profit organization.